- Log into your Element account.
- Select the profile icon from the bottom left-hand of the page.
- Click on Change Passcode from the menu.
- Type in all 12 words from your recovery phrase (all lowercase).
- Create and confirm your new wallet passcode making sure to meet the minimum requirements:
- No spaces
- Minimum of 8 characters
- 1 UPPERCASE letter
- 1 lowercase letter
- 1 number
- 1 symbol !@#$%^&*
- Click the Change Passcode button.
Record this passcode in a secure location out of reach from electronic devices and the internet. DO NOT take a picture of this OR store it on your phone where it could be accessed and compromised. If you misplace your 12-word pass phrase, your wallet passcode is the only key to allowing you to send/receive from your personal Element wallet.