You can update your wallet to version 2 by using your original 12-word recovery phrase (Option A). If you do not have your original 12-word recovery phrase, you can skip to the next section and follow the instructions for Option B.
1. Log into your Element account at
2. From the left-hand navigation menu, select Wallet
3. At the top of the page you will see the update banner. Click on the button to Upgrade to Wallet 2.0.
4. Next, create a NEW wallet passcode. You can use the same wallet passcode from your original wallet 1.0, but please remember to always make your passcode unique and different from your Element United account password.
Option A:
5. Enter your original 12-word recovery phrase from wallet 1.0 and select the Complete button.
Your wallet is now upgraded and should display as Wallet 2.0.
Important: If upgrading takes you back to the same page in step 3 and prompts you to upgrade again, please refresh the page. DO NOT REPEAT steps 3-5.
Option B:
6. If you do NOT have your original 12-word recovery phrase from wallet 1.0, select "Forgot wallet recovery phrase" and click the Create New Wallet button. Please note that you will need the wallet passcode from your original wallet 1.0 in order to transfer any funds in your wallet after you upgrade (step 9).
7. You will be asked to create a new wallet passcode again. You can use the same wallet passcode from your original wallet 1.0, but please remember to always make your passcode unique and different from your Element United account password.
8. A new 12-word recovery phrase will be created for you and you will be asked to record and secure this phrase. Click the button once you have secured this new recovery phrase and then type in the new phrase to confirm that it is recorded correctly.
9. Your wallet is now upgraded and should display a Wallet 1.0 and Wallet 2.0. Use the transfer options to send funds from your Wallet 1.0 to your new Wallet 2.0
IMPORTANT: If you have ERC-20 tokens, you'll want to transfer those tokens first as it will require ETH to complete the transfer and then you can proceed with the other remaining tokens. As a reminder, if sending the maximum amount of a token won't transfer it may be because of conversion changes in gas. You will need to send slightly less than the max.